Projects Unit is dedicated to managing all activities and services related to research grants and other projects. Its main objective is to increase the number of high-quality strategic projects in which MU participates alongside international partners. To achieve this objective, the Grants Unit collects and acts timely on open calls for grants, initiates projects based on identified needs, develops grant proposals, and manages the grants properly. By actively seeking and securing research grants and managing with high standards, the Grants Unit contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the development of MU’s reputation on a global scale. The Grants Unit also holds the responsibility of managing scholarships awarded to students and actively seeks out sponsorship opportunities for those students in need of financial assistance.
The Inclusive and Innovative Digital Education for Migrant Community in Kenya and Somalia (IIDEMIC) is a transformative three-year initiative funded by the European Union through the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). It seeks to enhance educational opportunities, teaching practices, aligning with the demands of 21st-century education, and soft skills development for migrants and refugees in Kenya and Somalia by developing a lifelong learning platform and fostering inclusive education programs. IIDEMIC is implemented by Mogadishu University in partnership with leading institutions in Kenya, Turkey, Poland, and Somalia. The project aims to empower migrants and refugees with the knowledge and skills needed to secure a brighter future.
The main objective of the PURSUE project is to promote the locally available, eco-friendly, hazard-resilient, and affordable construction material through advancement of the competencies and collaborations of the HEIs, students, academics, and civil engineering professionals in the SAR. Thus, the PURSUE project is focusing on developing the scientific, technical, and practical capacity of graduate engineers of selected HEIs in the SAR for sustainable affordable housing solutions using engineering standpoint and their subsequent applications for low-income households. The project aims to develop the competencies of HEIs, academics, local engineers in combination with affordable housing for the urban poor and the need for sustainable housing and urban development using environmentally sound locally available resources. The project consists of 6 HEIs and 1 associate partner from 3 different countries in SAR (Mozambique, Somalia and Tanzania) and two HEIs from the program countries (Türkiye and Portugal), 9 partners in total.
Main Activities of the project:
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